February 2025 Filing Deadline
The final deadline for the February 2025 General Bar Examination is January 15, 2025. All required items, including the applicable late filing fee, must be received by that date in order to receive a ticket of admission into the examination.
August 2025 MPRE Deadline
The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) registration deadline for the August 2025 MPRE is June 18, 2025. Please visit the NCBE's website at www.ncbex.org for information about applying to take that examination.
July 2028 Examination Announcement
The Florida Board of Bar Examiners has announced that it will administer the NextGen Bar Exam with Florida Law Component beginning with the July 2028 Florida Bar Exam.
Security Policy
Protecting your information
The personal information that you provide to us is secured using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology. We use this SSL technology to prevent such information from being intercepted and read as it is transmitted over the Internet. Your data is then stored on computers located at restricted-access sites.
PIN Security
To further secure your personal information, we require you to create a Personal Identification Number (PIN) when you establish an account with us. We encourage you to use a PIN that is not easily guessed (i.e., don't use your name or street name). Keep your PIN secret; do not share it with anyone. The only way that you can access the Bar Application is with your user name and PIN.
When you log in, the browser you are using may offer to remember your user name and password for this site. This will allow you to skip the log in each time you begin work on the application. However, it will also allow anyone who has access to this computer to see the information that you have entered. As a result, we strongly urge you to decline the browser's invitation to remember your user name and password.
To ensure the highest level of security, if you forget your user name or password, you will have to start over.
Remember to log out
To further prevent unauthorized access to your account, once you have finished working on the application for this session, you should log out. To do this, you should return to your Main Menu and click "Log out and Return to the Florida Board of Bar Examiners." After you have done this, you should then close the browser.