Please review the appropriate checklist and select the "Create an Account" link within the checklist when instructed.
- Register as a First or Second Year Student
File the Student Registration by the earliest deadline under rule 2-23.1(a) to qualify for the lowest fee; students filing for the first time in the second year of law school must pay the full registration fee of $400. Special Note: Student Registration provides both the Certified LegaI Internship (CLI) clearance requirement, and preliminary processing for admission to The Florida Bar.
- Register for Certified Legal Internship (CLI) Clearance only
If you plan to take the Florida Bar Examination in the future, do not use this checklist. If you do not plan to take the Florida Bar Examination in the future, then use this checklist to file a CLI Only Registration within 250 days from entry into law school to receive registrant clearance for the lowest fee.
- File a Bar Application (Student Registration not previously filed, first time taker of the examination)
The Bar Application is required both to initiate the background investigation and to receive a ticket of admission into the General Bar Examination. Completed Bar Applications with the appropriate fee must be postmarked by the November 15 (for the February Examination) or May 1 (for the July Examination) filing deadline to avoid late filing fees. See Florida Bar Examination Information for more information about the General Bar Examination and the MPRE. Though you can wait until the filing deadlines to submit your application, the sooner you initiate the process, the sooner the investigation can begin and the better the chance that the investigation will be complete at the time the examination results are released.
- File an Updated Bar Application (Prior Bar Application now obsolete)
For those applicants whose prior application became stale pursuant to rule 2-29(a), was terminated pursuant to rule 3-14.6(a), or was denied under rule 3-23.6(d), a new Bar Application must be filed.