February 2025 Filing Deadline

The final deadline for the February 2025 General Bar Examination is January 15, 2025. All required items, including the applicable late filing fee, must be received by that date in order to receive a ticket of admission into the examination.

August 2025 MPRE Deadline

The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) registration deadline for the August 2025 MPRE is June 18, 2025. Please visit the NCBE's website at www.ncbex.org for information about applying to take that examination.

July 2028 Examination Announcement

The Florida Board of Bar Examiners has announced that it will administer the NextGen Bar Exam with Florida Law Component beginning with the July 2028 Florida Bar Exam.

Introduction to the Online Bar Application

Early Filing of the Bar Application is Always Encouraged.

This program is designed to permit completion of the Bar Application online. After you finalize your Bar Application, all changes or updates will be reported by you by filing amendments through the Applicant Portal.

  • You will have the ability to start, stop, and restart completion of the Bar Application.
  • You will have the option of saving each Bar Application Item as draft or complete. Items that do not require additional follow-up or research should be saved as finished or complete. It is recommended that only items requiring additional research or information be saved in draft format (i.e., employers for whom dates or addresses are being researched). Note: A draft version of the application to print and review cannot be created until each item has been saved as finished or complete. Saving an item as finished or complete will not prevent you from revising the item before the application is finalized.
  • On your applicant portal landing page, click “resume bar application.” The items you have not started will appear in white (un-highlighted), items you have started and saved as draft will appear in gold, and items you have saved as complete will appear in green. Additionally, a progress bar at the top of the page indicates the number of items not started (blue), saved as draft (gold), and saved as complete (green). Even if you have saved an item as complete, the program will permit you to edit that Item and again save it as draft or complete as necessary.
  • When you attempt to save items as finished or complete, the program will provide feedback about incomplete responses. Any needed corrections must be made before the program will permit the item to be saved as finished or complete. If you wish to move on to the next item, you can save the incomplete item as draft and return to the list of items.
  • After completion of your application, you will be required to print a Draft Version of the Bar Application in order to review your responses and to make any changes necessary. You will need to have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software downloaded on your computer in order to view the application.
  • Printer-friendly copies of supplemental forms are available within the online Bar Application items if that supplemental document is required by your response. All Supporting Forms that must be submitted along with the completed Bar Application are listed on the Checklist that is applicable to the type of application you are filing and are accessible on that Checklist via the links when viewed online.
  • Protect your information. The personal information that you provide is secured using Secured Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology. We use this SSL technology to prevent such information from being intercepted and read as it is transmitted over the Internet. Your data is then stored on computers located at restricted-access sites.
  • To create and access your online account, you will be required to use Two Factor Authentication. Two Factor Authentication provides stronger security for your account by requiring a second step of verification.
  • Ensure access to your account: After you have registered your account and logged in, click on the "Profile" link at the top-right corner of your screen, where you will find a button that says "Scratch Codes." Click this button to see a list of scratch codes that can be used in the event you lose the smart device that is linked to your account for Two Factor Authentication. Be sure to store these codes in a secure, accessible place.

Suggestions for Completing the Bar Application
  • Print out and use the Checklist that is applicable for the type of application that you are filing. This document will direct you to gather information needed to complete the items, it will lead you through the steps for completing and printing the application and will finally provide a checklist for packing the material for submission to the Board’s office.
  • Keep your smart device at hand for Two Factor Authentication verification purposes.
  • When logging in, press the TAB key instead of reaching for the mouse after each entry.
  • The program will work with all Internet connections; however, you should be aware that if you use a dial-up modem you will experience delays in the initial loading of an item, when saving the completed item and when returning to the Main Menu. A fast Internet connection (LAN, cable modem, DSL, etc.) and use of the Google Chrome web browser is recommended.
  • It is suggested that you answer the Bar Application Items in order, to help ensure responses to subsequent items are accurate. Your answer to an item can cause later items to be answered automatically. For example, answering "No" to 13.a. automatically gives an answer of "Not Applicable" to 13.b., 13.c. and 13.d.
  • Do not enter data in all UPPERCASE letters. Do not use abbreviations unless necessary, and only use commonly accepted abbreviations when needed. The Bar Application is an application for professional licensing and should be completed with such in mind.

Security Considerations when Completing the Bar Application
  • Once you have registered and established an account with the Board, you will have the option to “Remember this device” when logging into your account. By checking this box, you will not be required to enter the Two Factor Authentication token each time you login. You will, however, still be required to enter your username and password. After 30 days, the token will expire and you will need to generate a new token to log in to your account in the Applicant Portal. You should only "Remember this device" on personally-owned devices or secure devices to which you alone have access.
  • If your web browser offers to remember your password for our site, the Board strongly urges you to decline the invitation. If you have chosen to “Remember this device” and for the web browser to remember your password, this would allow any individual who has access to your computer to see the information you have entered.
  • To prevent unauthorized access to your account, once you have finished your session, you should log out of your account by selecting the “Logout” button in the upper right corner. After you have done this, you should close the browser.
  • The web server is programmed to automatically end your session if it detects no activity for a period of 5 minutes. If this occurs while you have an item open on the screen, any unsaved data will be lost. If you must leave your computer for any period, save the item as a draft and log out.
  • To ensure the highest level of security, an unsubmitted application will be deleted six months after the creation of an account.
Image of the board's Seal. The central figure on the Seal is a griffin, a universally accepted symbol for vigilance. The griffin is holding the Nordic symbol for fidelity, which comes from Nordic mythology. Beneath the griffin appears the Latin phrase “Clemens iustitiae custodia.” Custodia is the word used for keeping watch in order to protect, and Clementia is used technically for leniency in punishing offenses. Closely translated, this phrase means “Compassionate and vigilant protection of justice.” Expanded, this would mean the watchful protection (or preservation) of justice, a watchful or protective preservation which is compassionate or merciful. The Arabic numerals \"1955\" appear at the bottom of the seal, indicating the year of the creation of the Florida Board of Bar Examiners.Copyright ©2011 - 2025 Florida Board of Bar Examiners. All rights reserved.