February 2025 Filing Deadline

The final deadline for the February 2025 General Bar Examination is January 15, 2025. All required items, including the applicable late filing fee, must be received by that date in order to receive a ticket of admission into the examination.

August 2025 MPRE Deadline

The Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) registration deadline for the August 2025 MPRE is June 18, 2025. Please visit the NCBE's website at www.ncbex.org for information about applying to take that examination.

July 2028 Examination Announcement

The Florida Board of Bar Examiners has announced that it will administer the NextGen Bar Exam with Florida Law Component beginning with the July 2028 Florida Bar Exam.

Checklist to convert a Student Registration or CLI Registration to pursue admission to The Florida Bar (Registration previously filed)

This form is designed to assist you in gathering information, completing the Supplement to Registrant Bar Application (Supplement), and submitting the appropriate forms and information required to convert your student registration or CLI registration in pursuit of admission to The Florida Bar. Click the various links to access information or printer-friendly forms. A Supplement submitted with accurate and complete responses and all required supplemental documents can be processed more expeditiously. Processing will not be initiated on defective applications and an additional defective filing fee may be charged. You must also submit the Re-Examination/Conversion Application to take the General Bar Examination in order to indicate which examination you intend to take. Timely filing of this application is necessary to avoid late filing fees.


If you filed your Registrant Bar Application or CLI Application after July 2017, and used Two Factor Authentication (an app like Authy on your smart device) to register your account with the board when completing your application, you have access to the applicant portal. If you no longer have access to the Two Factor Authenticator (2FA) on your smart device, visit the "Creating an Online Account" section of the board's FAQ page for instructions on how to regain access so that you can file your Supplement through the portal.

Once you begin the conversion process through the portal, you will have 30 days to complete and finalize the Supplement. If you do not finalize your Supplement within 30 days of beginning the process, all of the information entered will be deleted. During the period that your Supplement is in draft stage, any information or amendments entered will not be transmitted to the board. You must complete the Supplement in its entirety and click the “Finalize Supplement” button before the information will be transmitted.


Print this Checklist.
Check each item when completed to ensure that your submission includes all required supplemental documents and information.


It is suggested that you gather this information and have it available when you complete the Supplement.

A copy of the Registrant Bar Application and all amendments previously filed by you. Through the portal, you will be able to review your original application responses online, as well as any amendments you filed through the portal. If you need copies of any paper amendments you provided the Board, you may request an official and complete copy of the application by writing to the address below and submitting the $50.00 copying fee. Do not submit a hard copy of the original application with your Supplement.
Read and review each item of the Registrant Bar Application and previously filed amendments to assure that each response is correct and current. During the completion of the Supplement, you will need to update any item that has changed since your initial filing that has not already been reported in an amendment.
Five personal references who have known you well within the past 5 years, including names and current mailing addresses.
Information to update your residence addresses.
Information to update your work experience, including employers' names, addresses, dates employed, position, type of business, supervisor, and reason for leaving. Include self-employment or association with any occupation, business, enterprise, or profession, either part-time or full-time; employment as a law clerk; positions in clinics, internships, externships, or other similar non-paid positions.
Financial information regarding any changes with regard to delinquent credit, defaulted credit, judgments/liens, unfiled tax returns, payments returned for insufficient funds, and delinquent or defaulted student loans.
____7. Information about any changes with regard to litigation in which you were named a party (including divorce, bankruptcy, and administrative or quasi-judicial proceedings).
Information to update all arrests, charges or accusations (including traffic violations) reporting dates, law enforcement agency, explanation of event and final disposition. If your arrest records are sealed, you must petition the appropriate court to unseal those records.
Information about all bar admission or registration applications filed in any other jurisdiction (you do not need to amend to report your Florida Student Registration Application).
Retrieve or obtain your NCBE number.
You will be required to report your NCBE number on the Examination Application under Step 5 below. Go to www.ncbex.org/ncbe-number to either retrieve your NCBE number or request an NCBE Number. Your unique NCBE Number will be used for identification purposes when you take the Multistate Bar Examination and the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination and may be used as an identifier for other bar-admission-related purposes. It is recommended that you copy and paste your number into the "NCBE Number" field on your Examination Application. Therefore, you should have that window open when you are completing the application.


When you have gathered the information above, you are ready to file the Supplement. To file the Supplement through the applicant portal, it is recommended that you use a high-speed Internet connection and the Google Chrome web browser, and take the following steps:

Log in. To access the portal, on the left side of the home screen, click the Applicant Portal link after logging in.
On the portal home page, click the button labeled “Convert Registrant/CLI Application.” If you do not see this button, the board does not have an anticipated graduation date of within the next 12 months on file for you, and you need to amend Item 8 of the application to provide the accurate anticipated graduation date.
____3. You will see a series of statements to which you must agree by clicking “OK.” If you do not wish to proceed with the conversion process, click “Cancel” instead.
____4. Review and update every bar application item as needed by either amending the entry or selecting “No Change.”
____5. When you have reviewed all items, you will be offered instructions for reviewing a draft version of your Supplement. Follow the on-screen instructions. Clicking the “Review Draft Supplement” button will accumulate your individual item responses into a printer-friendly document and display it on your screen. The PDF will begin with your original application, followed by any previous online amendments you have filed, followed by the information you entered in the Supplement.
____6. When you are certain that your Supplement is complete and accurate, return to the Bar Application page and follow the on-screen instructions, and click the “Final Version” button when ready.
____7. A “Finalizing Your Supplement” page will open. Follow the on-screen instructions. Carefully read the text regarding your obligation to keep the application current and complete after filing. You will be required to enter your password as the E-Signature PIN to confirm that all information entered in your Supplement is complete and accurate. Once you have entered your E-Signature PIN (password), click the “Convert Bar Application” button.


After you have finalized your Supplement, you are ready to complete the Re-Examination/Conversion Application.

Examination Application
Once you have finalized your Supplement, you can proceed to the Re-Examination/Conversion Application (the examination application). Answer the questions in order as some questions are based upon your responses to earlier questions.
Click the “Browse” button to upload your passport-style photo (see Photo Requirements And Upload Instructions).
When you have responded to all items and have selected your photo for upload, click the button, "Finalize My Application." The program will gather your responses into a document and display it on the screen.
Print application
You may print a copy of your Re-Examination/Conversion Application for your records. Do not submit a hard copy of the application to the Board.
____5. Pay application fee
Based on your responses in the Re-Examination/Conversion Application, after you finalize the exam application, you will see a fee total and a button to click to Pay by ACH or eCheck. If you prefer to pay by check or money order, you must print the Cover Sheet for application submission and mail the cover sheet to the board's office along with the check or money order.


All the following documents must be provided.

If you are not paying your application fee electronically, you must print the Cover Sheet for application submission and mail it with the check or money order to the board’s office at the address indicated below.
Re-Examination Application/Conversion Application
This must be completed through the portal and submitted electronically. Do not mail a copy to the Board.
Authorization and Release - the form is available under the Supporting Forms section of the Applicant Portal. This must be completed through the portal and submitted electronically. Do not mail a copy to the Board.
Acknowledgment of Compliance
Click on the “Acknowledgment of Compliance” button available on your portal home page. Read the instructions. After you have read Chapters 4 and 5 of the Rules Regulating The Florida Bar, enter your password as the E-Signature PIN to acknowledge and click “Save.”
Student Registration Converter Fee
Computed either through your examination application, or if not filing the examination application, by using the Application Fee Worksheet (PDF - 54k). The board accepts electronic payment of fees by ACH or eChecks. If you are not paying your application fee electronically, you must mail the fee to the Board's office.

All of the following as applicable, if not previously filed in conjunction with your Florida Bar Application filed as a student registration or CLI registration (it is not necessary to mail these documents if you have already uploaded them through the portal).

Certificate of Dean (PDF - 171k)
Complete the top section and submit the Certificate of Dean to your law school dean after your graduation. If attending a Florida law school, do not provide the form to your school.
Documentation of military service (DD-214, Report of Separation, or equivalent)
Copies of litigation documents
A copy of the judge's signed order to unseal arrest records
Copies of bar applications from other jurisdictions
Certificates of Good Standing

If you are not paying your application fee electronically, you must mail the check or money order to the board’s office. Failure to timely submit the required fees will delay initiation of the board’s updated investigation and could result in late fees.

If mailing payment, address your package to the Florida Board of Bar Examiners.

U.S. Postal Service:
1891 Eider Court
Tallahassee, FL 32399-1750
FedEx, Priority USPS, or other delivery service:
1891 Eider Court
Tallahassee, FL 32308

PLEASE NOTE: Registrant application files are designated with a “B” at the beginning of the file number. Once the board has received your conversion application materials (new Authorization and Release forms, applicable fee, and any required supplemental documents), you will be assigned a new, all numeric, file number.
Image of the board's Seal. The central figure on the Seal is a griffin, a universally accepted symbol for vigilance. The griffin is holding the Nordic symbol for fidelity, which comes from Nordic mythology. Beneath the griffin appears the Latin phrase “Clemens iustitiae custodia.” Custodia is the word used for keeping watch in order to protect, and Clementia is used technically for leniency in punishing offenses. Closely translated, this phrase means “Compassionate and vigilant protection of justice.” Expanded, this would mean the watchful protection (or preservation) of justice, a watchful or protective preservation which is compassionate or merciful. The Arabic numerals \"1955\" appear at the bottom of the seal, indicating the year of the creation of the Florida Board of Bar Examiners.Copyright ©2011 - 2025 Florida Board of Bar Examiners. All rights reserved.